Savour - My Word of the Year 2024!

If you have been following me for any length of time, you know that I don’t set New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I’ve found the practice of setting an intention (or Word of the Year) has been much more powerful and transformative so ultimately a more satisfying experience. It has helped me establish a mindset that guides my actions and decisions. I find that each year is like a new season and this exercise helps provide the focus to prioritize where I spend my time. After much reflection, my word for. 2024 is Savour.

The word "savour" carries a rich and delightful meaning. At its core, it means to fully appreciate and enjoy something with all your senses, often in a deliberate and mindful manner. It's about relishing the moment, extracting the maximum joy or pleasure from an experience.

In the context of day-to-day life, savouring can take various forms. It might involve appreciating a delicious meal by paying attention to the flavors, textures, and aromas. Alternatively, it could be about enjoying a quiet moment in nature, immersing yourself in the sights and sounds around you. Savouring also extends to interpersonal experiences, like relishing a conversation with someone and being fully present in that exchange.

Consider savouring moments of self-reflection, finding joy in your personal growth, or appreciating the beauty in your spiritual journey. In your creative pursuits, such as pottery and writing, savouring can be a source of inspiration. Taking the time to fully engage with the creative process, appreciating each step and the unique qualities of the materials, can enhance the overall experience and the final outcome.

Savour - to fully appreciate and enjoy

“…how does that work when life’s challenges or struggles present themselves?”

I thought a lot about what word I wanted for 2024. Moving into my 67th year, wanting not to miss anything and appreciate every moment, savour seemed like the perfect intention. Yet, how does that work when life’s challenges or struggles present themselves? Many of us have had our fair share of those over the past few years. Then, as I began to reflect, I realized when facing challenges or difficulties, the concept of savouring can be a transformative approach. Here's how:

  1. Mindful Awareness: Instead of getting overwhelmed by the difficulty, savouring encourages you to mindfully acknowledge the challenge. This involves recognizing the emotions and thoughts associated with it without judgment. By being present in the moment, you can gain a clearer understanding of the situation.

  2. Learning Opportunities: Savouring a challenge involves looking beyond the immediate struggle and recognizing the potential for growth and learning. Just as you savour positive experiences, you can savour the opportunity that challenges provide for personal development, resilience, and gaining new insights.

  3. Appreciating the Process: Just as in creative endeavours, the process of overcoming challenges can be savour-worthy. Embracing each step, acknowledging small victories, and finding meaning in the journey can make the difficulty more manageable. It's about appreciating your own strength and resourcefulness in navigating adversity.

  4. Connecting with Others: Challenges often provide a chance to connect with others on a deeper level. Savouring these moments involves appreciating the support and understanding that can emerge in times of difficulty. It's an opportunity to strengthen relationships and build a sense of community.

  5. Cultivating Resilience: Savouring challenges also involves recognizing your own resilience. By focusing on the positive aspects of your response to difficulties, you can build a sense of inner strength and confidence. This resilience can be a valuable asset in navigating future challenges.

Overall, savouring is about embracing a mindful approach to life, allowing yourself to be fully present and engaged in the richness of each moment, even the challenging ones. So, the bottom line is that I don’t want to miss a moment of what this next year has to offer. I want to embrace it all and fully experience life - even the difficult and messy parts. I’m ready for the journey.

What is your intention as you move into 2024? Do you have a word or words that can encapsulate that intention? Want to know more about how you can choose your ‘Word of the Year’? Reach out and I will send you a hand-out to walk you through your own reflective process. Contact Lynn @ Design for Life

Lynn Gow